The Bloodsands
Interested in combat RP? We have the place for you!
The crossroads outside Ul'dah's Gates of Thal have long been a place where fights that began in the city were taken to be resolved.More recently, the crossroads have coalesced into a place for fighters to congregate, socialize, and hone their skills, which was (unfortunately) named the Bloodsands (no relation to the Coliseum) which runs on all days. There are fighters more often than not at all hours of the day. And if you're in the mood to fight but no one's on the Bloodsands? Go shout in the city and ask someone to join you! You'll usually find someone ready and willing to raise arms.If you want to check us out, we're on Mateus right outside the Gates of Thal!You can join our Discord if you like but it's completely unnecessary to come have a good time with us! Invitations are currently by referral only, so ask a friend who's already there to get a code from a mod (or drop a note to Daegan, Altan, Exi, or Tri'la).

How To
Bloodsands fighting generally uses the Grindstone ruleset on a first-to-three basis for our rolling! A key difference is that ICly, aether, magitek, alchemical concoctions, etc. are all allowed. If you know what this means, you can stop reading here.If you don't (or if you have anxiety, or both) here's the detailed break-down of how players fight Grindstone style.All rolls are done by typing '/random' in game.
Both players roll. Higher number goes first!
First person types their attack emote against the other, and once done, rolls. The second person then rolls. If the attacker rolls higher, one point of damage is done. Lower, and nothing happens.
The defender is now the attacker! They write an emote that both addresses their defense (successful or not!) and their own attack, and then rolls. The once-attacker now rolls defense.
This cycle repeats until someone has been hit 3 times!
Tips and tricks
Want to fight but no one to fight?
Step on the Sands and use /y for your character to announce! No one around? Go into Ul'dah and ICly shout "Blood on the Bloodsands!" to let people know!Whisper your opponent the score every blow to keep track!
(1 - 0, Player 2, Player 1's attack) is generally the format I use, signifying Player 2 is in the lead by one and it's Player 2's attack!Avoid being overly technical in your attacks.
'He uses his left hand to strike at her right cheek, then he hooks the toes of his left boot behind her left calf to...'
This doesn't flow so well and can be boring to read. There's nothing wrong with technicality if you're looking for that, but be mindful!Just because an attack misses/hits mechanically doesn't mean it has to miss/hit in emotes, or as expected.
Sometimes it's more interesting that your character does get hit and then tanks through it. Look at the fight as a writing exercise to explore your character, but be sure to give due respect to others' characters too! Speaking of...Sell hits!
You want people to enjoy fighting you? Sell their hits. Be creative, be visceral, really let your character get hit (or almost hit)- and then keep coming! Write out how that missed attack might hit the environment instead.Have fun! Make friends!
Remember that we're all just playing Barbie (Extreme) on an MMO game and writing about how our pixels life their fake little lives!
OOC Guidelines
Note that these are the Out of Character guidelines, not rules!Most of the points here are simply good etiquette, while a couple are Bloodsands specific.Breaking of good etiquette excessively can lead to being banned from events hosted by the Bloodsands (though one can never be banned from the physical space itself!)
No godmodding.
You don't get to dictate the harm that's done to your sparring partner; they control their own character. It's also poor form to play your character as invincible to any harm and immune to the consequences of their actions.Be respectful of your fellow RPers.
Don't complain excessively of losing, don't spam /say with OOC, don't send death threats to people, etc.Fighting traditionally goes by Grindstone rules.
For detailed explanation, see How-To. You're welcome to use whatever system you want so long as your fight partner agrees.This is an open RP area.
Expect people to react to your scenes if they see them. Don't want interference? Take it to party!No one runs the Bloodsands, IC or OOC.
This isn't a venue; there's no leader, there's only a group of people who have agreed on a social contract. Anyone is free to set up and run events, celebrate holidays, peddle wares, or whatever else they please, as long as you're respectful about it, get everyone's consent for participation, and don't disrupt anyone who doesn't want to be disrupted.
IC Rules
By the signpost, where once stood a rock of black granite with rules inscribed, is naught more than destruction and detritus.The rules so carefully etched onto the rules rock have been sliced through, down the middle of them in a horizontal arc! Most of it is rendered unreadable, with the initials 'A.H' carved beside them...
While hundreds of different people come and fight on the Bloodsands, there are some regular faces who are happy to welcome newcomers, whether that's with a spar or a conversation. If you're nervous about meeting new people, feel free to approach them!
Altan Hydrangea
Specialties on the sands:
Specializes in the axe, heavy armor and minor magicks. Can also wield most melee weaponry effectively. Beware his grapple.

Alvara Butcher
Specialties on the sands:
Alvara is good with Axes, Hammers, Fists, with a bit of Fire Aether mixed into all of that. Watch out for her 'Fuck Off' Hammer.

Asami Dalamiq
Specialties on the sands:
Samurai, light aether, very pink.

Daegan of the Dotharl
Specialties on the sands:
Axe, bow, blue magic.

Exi Braise-Aube
Specialties on the sands:
Exi has a bit more fire in herself than some on the sands, in more ways than one! Aloe and Earplugs recommended when fighting her.

Ganzorig Malaguld
Specialties on the sands:
Ganz has a biiiiiig sword, and is a paladin of Nhaama and Azim who calls on celestial power and that of the gods when he uses aether. As a bonus, resting bitch face!

Swarhaem Ulveherrwyn
Specialties on the sands:
Hyper-Aggression, Violence

Syldhwen Treesinger
Specialties on the sands:
Field medicine or aetheric healing! She's shy of fighting, but the speedy little bun usually keeps a bow or small blades on hand just in case. Careful with glitter around her!

Yua Yanai
Specialties on the sands: Fighting with magic (including several egi!), daggers, and chakrams. Healer.

As special reward, some events or occurrences award IC titles and accolades! These titles are assumed to be known, through rumors, word of mouth, or from the champions themselves.
See the legend at the bottom to learn where a title came from! Want to get put on the title wall? Keep an eye out for Bloodsands events and you might land your character a new, nifty nickname.

Philaurel Saphielle
Comet of the Lamb
Chaos Theory

Crushing Mountain
Comet of the Lamb

Nelva Ymir
Comet of the Lamb
Chaos Theory

Berry Bysnoe
Comet of the Lamb

Shiin Ito
Chaos Theory

Raiko Ly
The Unshamed

Elijah Bella
The Unshamed

V, The Poet
The Unshamed

Auros Hydrus
Destruction Wrought

Gilane Katarna
Destruction Wrought

Kusuri Naeuri
Destruction Wrought

Taichu Kha
Destruction Wrought

A'lek Lanza
Destruction Wrought

Exi Braise-Aube
Destruction Wrought

Yamimi Yami
Destruction Wrought

Aoi-hana Wulf
Destruction Wrought

Helios SilberfluegelTM
The Perfectly Round

Lucian Praesidius
The Perfectly Round

The Perfectly Round
No Longer Obtainable
Night of the Living Sands, Oct 2022
Perfectly Rounded, Destruction Wrought,
The Unshamed, Comet of the Lamb